



比利時 蔡米可
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而客廳的大窗外面是個大池塘,冬天的比利時有時零度以下,池塘就會結厚厚的一層冰。女友來訪的那天,就是個冰天雪地的日子,回想當時的故事,反而像是事故(窘) -


正當我從廚房要端來蛋糕,客廳的女友傳來一聲尖叫! (蛋糕差點落地,嚇 )



我笑了, ( 好加在,不是發生了什麼意外。)





當時是紫藤盛開的季節,我在花園工作,一轉身以為看到一隻小老虎 (驚)。



自從鄰居購買了這隻豹貓,我的花園又添加一景。鄰居曾「抱怨」說,他花大把銀兩買的豹貓,反而待在我花園的時間比在自家花園的時間多得多...。 我也注意到了,我私下推敲:鄰居的花園是那種一板一眼的設計,收拾的井然有序,而我的比較「亂」,走自然風格,可能對動物而言,比較有親和力吧!

不管真相為何,它成了日常的訪客,甚至就是花園的成員之一,而我成了最大的受益者,有時看它盤踞在花園圍牆上,儼然如一古埃及守護花園的神尊; 有時,它到池塘飲水,面容如荒郊野獸的野性十足。

好笑的是,經過女友故事的渲染,朋友圈慕名而來看它的人也不少,霎時我有如住在中東豢養野獸當寵物富豪的錯覺。(誤 )

好笑是因為,它根本也不是我養的啦!( 笑 )


Every window in my house reflects the garden design outside, so the window view is not only beautiful, but also dynamic, for example, a group of birds flying, squirrels climbing trees, or cats lazily walking by... Due to the changes in the four seasons, it is like a vivid oil painting.
Outside the large window of the living room is a fish pond. In winter, it is sometimes below zero in Belgium, and the pond will then freeze a thick layer of ice. The day which my friend visited, it was a snowy day as well. Recalling what happened on that day, it’s more like an incident than a story. ( kind of embarrassing )
A cup of hot chocolate in hand…although it’s freezing outside, it’s cozy and warm in the living room, while the fireplace is burning wood.
Just when I prepared to bring some cake from the kitchen, I heard a loud scream from my friend in the living room! ( The cake almost dropped onto the floor, what a shock ! )
I rushed back to the living room. "What happened?"
She pointed to the window, "A leopard came to the pond!" 
I laughed. ( relieved that it’s not really an accident. )

Well, I am not a rich woman living in Abu Dhabi raising a leopard or a lion as a pet, but an ordinary citizen living in Belgium. What she saw is the Bangladeshi leopard cat as a pet owned by my neighbor.

You don’t have to think she’s hysterical. The leopard cat was carefully passing over the ice, the body stretched, and the weather outside was faint, mistakenly thinking a leopard was not exaggerating.

Since that day, every time now when she mentions this experience, she will also explain that because I live next to the forest, she often hears that I ever encounter a deer while jogging or taking a walk in the forest, so…

Plus purchasing a Bangladeshi leopard cat is costly. She has lived in Belgium for many years and it was the first time for her to witness the leopard cat in person.

In fact, I was also shocked when I for the first time encountered that cat in my garden last spring. It was the blooming time for wisteria. I was doing gardening work and when I turned around and I thought I saw a little tiger (big shocking).

Maybe you will say how’s that possible a tiger in a residential area? But just because living in a civilized society, and suddenly seeing unfamiliar animals at such close distances, you would be easily frightened.  It explains well that ‘things rarely seen, easily big fuss.’

Since my neighbor bought this leopard cat, my garden has added another scene. The neighbor once ‘complained’ that he spent a lot of fortune for this leopard cat, but it stayed in my garden more than in his...

My neighbor's garden is well taken care of, every space is clean and orderly; while mine is "chaotic" in a natural style - so maybe that is why more attractive for animals?Regardless what the reason is, it has become a daily visitor, even a member of the garden, and I’ve become the biggest beneficiary - sometimes watching it standing on the garden fence, like the god of the ancient Egyptian garden guardian (photo 3), Sometimes, it goes to the pond to drink water, and the face expression is like a wild predator .

The funny thing is, after the girlfriend spread around the story, there are many people in our friend circle want to come to visit it in my garden. Thanks to it that  I have the illusion that I were a tycoon living in the Middle East.

It’s funny because it’s not even my cat!!! (haha)

PS: My friend told me later that in fact, she originally planned to talk about a lot of daily problem on the day she came to visited. It had been a ‘down period’ in her life. But after being frightened by the "leopard", the trouble seemed to be ‘shocked away’ too. She felt that being alive is already a lucky thing. She also made a conclusion: "If one survives, there will be future fortunes!"

Well, the idiom does not fit for this incident, but since the ending is full of positive energy, I will not correct her exaggerating idiom and her story of the "Leopard" which needs to add a word of ‘cat’.

